The Master of Science programme is characterized by a strong scientific and technological nature. The MSc graduate should then:
have gained a good grasp of the mathematical tools necessary for the analysis and design of complex automation systems;
have gained a thorough understanding of the technologies and processes typical of some of the major industrial sectors where automation plays an increasingly important role;
have developed the ability to explore and evaluate the offer and market trends in the field of instrumentation and system components, in view of innovative applications;
have gained familiarity with the most advanced techniques for the identification, analysis, simulation, optimization, and control of dynamical systems of all kinds, as well as the ability to merge them in an effective and creative manner, tailored to the specific characteristics of the problems to be solved;
have grown aptitude for teamwork and the ability to embrace the principles and methods of organization.
Starting from the academic year 2010/2011, a Master of Science English track has been started, and from the Academic Year 2014/15 the Master has taken the name “Automation and Control Engineering” and has been offered in English.
A single curriculum is available, taught in English, with a few complementary and optional courses taught in Italian. The 120 credits to be earned are divided as follows:
mandatory courses in English language for 60 credits;
complementary courses, prevailingly taught in English language, for at least 40 credits;
a final thesis, to which 20 credits are reserved.
The mandatory courses consist of 5 courses of 10 credits in the first year and 2 courses of 5 credits in the second year. One of these courses, named “Automation and Control Laboratory”, is prevailingly oriented towards an experimental activity where knowledge acquired in various courses is integrated. Complementary courses can be optional, freely elective or “alignment” ones. Optional course are organized in two groups. The first group (Tables 1, 2) refers to subject areas typical of Automation Engineering. The second group, related to issues of particular interest (Tables 3, 4) comprises courses of various nature, with very different targets, but in any case interesting for Automation Engineering. Alignment courses, i.e. all the courses intended to fill any gaps in the student’s background emerged at the time of admission to the Master of Science, cannot be selected by the students when compiling their Study Plan, but only assigned by the admission Committee.
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